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This is what we've already done. Some of it you'll find in the Session App, some of it will only be available in the Conference App.

Modes of Debate
Session App

Clean and easy to use General Speakers List, Moderated and Unmoderated Cauci as well as enabling Single Speakers to allow for more flexibility for chairs are the core of chairing software. For the first time you can find all these functions in a visually appealing fashion.

Procedural and Roll Call Vote
Session App

Rumor has it chairs have been using pen and paper to conduct roll call votes? Serve yourself to an overview of voting results while the vote is still in progress. Define majorities, make sure those present and voting cannot abstain. Observers cannot vote in substantial votes and veto powers can turn the tide.

Motion Recording
Session App

Collect motions in a central place where chairs and delegates have a clear overview over what is proposed. Ranked by disruptiveness the caucus motioned for will open if the vote was successful with the times and topic as collected.

Convenient Committee Setup
Session App

Select one of 12 committee templates to set up UNSC, ECOSOC or ASEAN and other committees with one click. Equally you can configure your committee with UN Members and custom delegates which you can set as full members, observers or veto powers.

Admin View
Conference App

Step zero of every conference is organization. The Admin View allows conference organizers to set the rules of the game, create committees, schedules and global parameters.

Enable Delegate View
Conference App

MUN Command will allow delegates to interact with the committee in a whole new way. The delegate view is what delegates will interact with during the conference: they will add themselves to the GSL, raise a motion, chat with co-delegates, check the schedule and more.

Conference App

Collect motions, discuss them and vote on them digitally.  Endless counting of procedural votes can be sped up when time is tight or keep it classic with manual votes as you know them.

Conference App

Statistics can go beyond the accumulated speaking time. Chairs can start rating speeches, the success rate of motions proposed by a delegate can be determined and personal feedback incorporated.

Conference App

This will be your single one place for all documents: Read preparatory notes and Study Guides, submit and provide feedback on Position Papers before the conference or work with your allies on working papers, draft resolutions and amendments.

Conference Tab
Conference App

Never be lost in a new city during a conference, access the schedule and venues, offer your partners and sponsors better visibility by integrating them right into the app. Taking over some of your tasks before and during the conference will allow you to focus on what’s important.

Conference App

Remember drowning in piles of paper snippets passed around? Stop writing on dead trees and text with delegates, chairs and organizers in real-time. Create personal profiles to build a long-lasting network and friends for a lifetime.

2023 - iOS and Android Apps
Conference App

In January 2023, native Android and iOS apps have been launched to make the Conference App even more broadly accessible.

2024 - Faculty Advisor Role
Conference App

A new faculty advisor role has been added, so they too can take advantage of MUN Command at the conferences they attend.

2023 - Two Roles at One Conference
Conference App

It is now possible to have both a chair and organizer role or lso a delegate role at the same conference. This lays the foundations for easier and broader use of the Conference App at smaller evnts, when one person might wear multiple hats.

2024 - Improved User Interface
Conference App

To improve the user interface and make it more accessible for new users, a number of changes were made to ease navigation across the app. The motions tab was merged into the home tab and the dashboard was dissolved to now be found in the profile and through directly accessible buttons in the header.
Further, the profile has been moved into its own tab, making the previously available swipe-in menu no longer necessary.

2024 - Chairs Can Manage Committee Members
Conference App

Chairs are now able to manage committee members just like organizers can. Within the slot limit purchased by organizers they can send invites to delegates, in case they haven't received their invites yet prior to the conference. They can also add as many countries as they like without sending user invites to take over those slots, giving even more flexibility.

2024 - Payment Within the App
Conference App

Organizers can now purchase additional conference slots directly in the app through a payments integration, making upgrading the conference easier and no longer requiring any emails to be sent to the mymun team.

2024 - Translations
Conference App

Because students debate around the world in many different languages, the MUN Command Conference App will adapt. For now, the Conference App is available in English and German. The foundations were also laid for many other languages. If you need it in another language. Let us know, so we can work together to finalize those.

Next Steps

This is what will happen next. We try to keep this as up-to-date as possible. To get a better sense for what we're currently working on be sure to follow us on Instagram.

Spectator View

As a chair you might not want to open that one chat on your laptop whilst sharing your screen on the projector. With the third person view key information will be projected to your committee in a separate browser window while you as a chair don’t have your delegates looking over your virtual shoulder.

Advance Statistics

Giving chairs and MUN Judges the option to rate the quality of every speech and leave comments for giving statistics a qualitative edge.

Community Idea Board

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